(track: 'test', 'loop', true)
(track: 'test', 'playwhenpossible')
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $mercury_visited to false)
(set: $venus_visited to false)
(set: $earth_visited to false)
(set: $mars_visited to false)
(set: $jupiter_visited to false)
(set: $saturn_visited to false)
(set: $uranus_visited to false)
(set: $neptune_visited to false)}
<img src="https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/pictures/220000/velka/public-domain-pictures-1494235748KVJ.jpg" alt="Jupiter" width="400" height="390" />
###Welcome to the Stardust Team Submission !
####In spirit of the tenth NASA Space Apps Challenge, we present to you our (link:"interactive game")[interactive game, where you click on the highlighted words to make your choices,] in the theme of **Space Quest**.<br>
(button:)[[Begin Your Journey->Main Story]]
“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
― Carl Sagan**Astronaut: Score = $score**
<img src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/06/29/11/04/solar-system-2453896_640.png" alt="Jupiter" width="500" height="375" />
Our solar system is very big and full of many intersting things. You're an astronaut and your spaceship can take you anywhere within our solar system, where would you like to go?
(if: $score > 1500)[(button:)[(link:"Leave The Solar System")[(goto: "Solar System")]]]
(button:)[[The Sun]]
(set: $counter to 30)
(set: $bonus to true)
<img src="https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/system/basic_html_elements/11732_mercury.png" alt="Mercury" width="400" height="394" />
(button:)[[Start |M 1]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
(set: $counter to 30)
(set: $bonus to true)
<img src="https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/system/basic_html_elements/11733_venus.png" alt="Venus" width="400" height="395" />
(button:)[[Start |V 1]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
(set: $counter to 30)
(set: $bonus to true)
<img src="https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/system/basic_html_elements/11734_earth.png" alt="Earth" width="400" height="398" />
(button:)[[Start |E 1]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
(set: $counter to 30)
(set: $bonus to true)
<img src="https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/system/basic_html_elements/11735_mars.png" alt="Mars" width="400" height="395" />
(button:)[[Start |Mr 1]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
(set: $counter to 30)
(set: $bonus to true)
<img src="https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/system/basic_html_elements/11736_jupiter.png" alt="Jupiter" width="400" height="394" />
(button:)[[Start |J 1]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
(set: $counter to 30)
(set: $bonus to true)
**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br>
<img src="https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/system/basic_html_elements/11737_saturn.png" alt="Saturn" width="400" height="181" />
(button:)[[Start |S 1]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
(set: $counter to 30)
(set: $bonus to true)
**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br>
<img src="https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/planets/planets-15.en.png" alt="Uranus" width="400" height="532" />
(button:)[[Start |U 1]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
(set: $counter to 30)
(set: $bonus to true)
**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br>
<img src="https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/system/basic_html_elements/11739_neptune.png" alt="Neptune" width="400" height="396" />
(button:)[[Start |N 1]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
(set: $counter to 30)
(set: $bonus to true)
#The Sun
<img src="https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/system/basic_html_elements/11561_Sun.png" alt="Sun" width="400" height="378" />
(button:)[[Start |Su 1]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "J 2")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $jupiter_bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "J 3")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $jupiter_bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(alert: "Jupiter has rings, but they’re very hard to see.")
(goto: "J Fin")**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Jupiter is a Gas Giant
0. Jupiter has 79 moons
0. Jupiter is a ringed planet (True)]]
(button:)[(link:"Keep Trying (No Bonus)")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "jupiter answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Jupiter is a<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Gas Giant")[(goto: "J C1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Water Giant")[(goto: "J F1 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Rocky Giant")[(goto: "J F1 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |J 2]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "jupiter answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###How many moons does Jupiter have ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"10 moons")[(goto: "J F2 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"43 moons")[(goto: "J F2 2")]]
(button:)[(link:"79 moons")[(goto: "J C2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |J 3]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "jupiter answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Jupiter is a ringed planet<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "J C3")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "J F3")]]
(button:)[[Finish |J Fin]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "saturn answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Saturn is sometimes called "The Jewel of the Solar System"<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "S C1")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "S F1")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |S 2]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Jupiter is a Gas Giant
0. Jupiter has 79 moons
0. Jupiter is a ringed planet (True)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "mercury answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Mercury is the closest planet to the sun<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "M C1")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "M F1 1")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |M 2]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "earth answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Each time the earth "spins" around we experience a<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Day")[(goto: "E C1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Month")[(goto: "E F1 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Year")[(goto: "E F1 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |E 2]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "venus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "V C1")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "V F1 1")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |V 2]]
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "mercury answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
###Mercury is the hottest planet in our solar system<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "M F2 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "M C2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |M 3]]
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "mercury answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
###One year on mercury equals to<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"88 days")[(goto: "M C3")]]
(button:)[(link:"132 days")[(goto: "M F3 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"176 days")[(goto: "M F3 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |M 4]]
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "mercury answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
###How many moons does Mercury have ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"0 moons")[(goto: "M C4")]]
(button:)[(link:"2 moons")[(goto: "M F4 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"7 moons")[(goto: "M F4 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |M 5]]
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "mercury answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
###Mercury is a ringless planet<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "M C5")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "M F5 1")]]
(button:)[[Finish |M Fin]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "M 2")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "sun answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###How old is the sun ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"3.5 billion years old")[(goto: "Su F1 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"3.8 billion years old")[(goto: "Su F1 2")]]
(button:)[(link:"4.6 billion years old")[(goto: "Su C1")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |Su 2]]
You've reached the end, Well done!
Your curiosity and your knowledge led you this far. Now you're ready to leave our galaxy and set sail for the many more that await you.
Be safe and be strong in your journey, young astronaut.<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Depart")[(goto: "Thanks")]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "saturn answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Saturn is the fourth planet from the sun<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "S F2")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "S C2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |S 3]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "saturn answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Saturn has the most spectacular ring system<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "S C3")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "S F3")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |S 4]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "saturn answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###How much does a saturnian day last ?
(button:)[(link:"10 Earth Hours")[(goto: "S C4")]]
(button:)[(link:"30 Earth Hours")[(goto: "S F4 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"50 Earth Hours")[(goto: "S F4 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |S 5]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "saturn answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###How much time does Saturn take to orbit the sun?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"About 19 earth years")[(goto: "S F5 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"About 29 earth years")[(goto: "S C5")]]
(button:)[(link:"About 39 earth years")[(goto: "S F5 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |S 6]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "saturn answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###What is the mass of saturn?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"95 times the mass of earth")[(goto: "S C6")]]
(button:)[(link:"195 times the mass of earth")[(goto: "S F6 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"295 times the mass of earth")[(goto: "S F6 2")]]
(button:)[[Finish |S Fin]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "S 2")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "S 3")(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "S 4")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "S 5")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "S 6")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "S Fin")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Saturn is sometimes called "The Jewel of the Solar System" (True)
0. Saturn is the fourth planet from the sun (False)
0. Saturn has the most spectacular ring system (True)
0. A saturnian day last for 10 earth hours.
0. Saturn take about 29 years to orbit the sun.
0. The mass of Saturn is 95 times the mass of Earth.]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Saturn is sometimes called "The Jewel of the Solar System" (True)
0. Saturn is the fourth planet from the sun (False)
0. Saturn has the most spectacular ring system (True)
0. A saturnian day last for 10 earth hours.
0. Saturn take about 29 years to orbit the sun.
0. The mass of Saturn is 95 times the mass of Earth.]]
(button:)[(link:"Keep Trying (No Bonus)")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "uranus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###The color of Uranus is light blue<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "U C1")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "U F1")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |U 2]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "uranus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Uranus' core is made of Silicate Ice<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "U F2")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "U C2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |U 3]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "uranus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Uranus is the<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"1st planet of the solar system")[(goto: "U F3 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"7th planet of the solar system")[(goto: "U C3")]]
(button:)[(link:"8th planet of the solar system")[(goto: "U F3 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |U 4]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "uranus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Uranus is a<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Gas Giant")[(goto: "U F4 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Ice Giant")[(goto: "U C4")]]
(button:)[(link:"Water Giant")[(goto: "U F4 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |U 5]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "uranus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Uranus has how many known moons ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"7")[(goto: "U F5 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"16")[(goto: "U F5 2")]]
(button:)[(link:"27")[(goto: "U C5")]]
(button:)[[Finish |U Fin]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "neptune answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Neptune is the sixth planet furthest from the Sun<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "N F1")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "N C1")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |N 2]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "mars answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###What is the Most abundant gas on Mars ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Nitrogen")[(goto: "Mr F1 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Oxygen")[(goto: "Mr F1 2")]]
(button:)[(link:"Carbon Dioxide")[(goto: "Mr C1")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |Mr 2]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "neptune answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Neptune is a ringed planet<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "N C2")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "N F2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |N 3]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "neptune answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Neptune is a gaseous planet<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "N F3")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "N C3")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |N 4]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "neptune answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###How many moons does Neptune have ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"6")[(goto: "N F4 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"14")[(goto: "N C4")]]
(button:)[(link:"21")[(goto: "N F4 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |N 5]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "neptune answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Which of the following is a satellite of Neptune ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Io")[(goto: "N F5 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Nereid")[(goto: "N C5")]]
(button:)[(link:"Phobos")[(goto: "N F5 2")]]
(button:)[[Finish |N Fin]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "mars answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###What is Mars’s nickname ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"The red planet")[(goto: "Mr C2")]]
(button:)[(link:"The hot planet")[(goto: "Mr F2 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"The smelly planet")[(goto: "Mr F2 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |Mr 3]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "mars answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###A year on Mars equals<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"365 earth days")[(goto: "Mr F3 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"687 earth days")[(goto: "Mr C3")]]
(button:)[(link:"932 earth days")[(goto: "Mr F3 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |Mr 4]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "mars answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Mars has two satellites. Their names are<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Phill and Derek")[(goto: "Mr F4 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Philios and Denerik")[(goto: "Mr F4 2")]]
(button:)[(link:"Phobos and Deimos")[(goto: "Mr C4")]]
(button:)[[Finish |Mr Fin]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "earth answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###The Earth's moon is made of cheese<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "E F2")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "E C2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |E 3]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "earth answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Why does the moon appear to be larger than other planets and stars ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"It's larger than the planets and stars")[(goto: "E F3 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"It's closer to Earth than the planets and stars")[(goto: "E C3")]]
(button:)[(link:"It's brighter than the planets and stars")[(goto: "E F3 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |E 4]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "earth answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Why does the Moon have different phases ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"It moves around the Earth")[(goto: "E C4")]]
(button:)[(link:"It moves around the Sun")[(goto: "E F4 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"It follows the Sun around the Earth")[(goto: "E F4 2")]]
(button:)[[Finish |E Fin]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "venus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Venus is bigger than earth<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "V F2 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "V C2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |V 3]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "venus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###How many moons does Venus have ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"0 moons")[(goto: "V C3")]]
(button:)[(link:"6 moons")[(goto: "V F3 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"11 moons")[(goto: "V F3 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |V 4]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "venus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###One day on Venus equals to<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"88 earth days")[(goto: "V F4 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"147 earth days")[(goto: "V F4 2")]]
(button:)[(link:"243 earth days")[(goto: "V C4")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |V 5]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "venus answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###Venus is named after the Roman goddess of what ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Birth and Joy")[(goto: "V F5 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Love and Beauty")[(goto: "V C5")]]
(button:)[(link:"Time")[(goto: "V F5 2")]]
(button:)[[Finish |V Fin]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "U 2")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "U 5")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "U 3")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "U 4")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "U Fin")**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. The color of Uranus is light blue (True)
0. Uranus' core is made of Silicate Ice (False)
0. Uranus is the 7th planet of the solar system.
0. Uranus is an ice giant.
0. Uranus has 27 known moons.]]
(button:)[(link:"Keep Trying (No Bonus)")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. The color of Uranus is light blue (True)
0. Uranus' core is made of Silicate Ice (False)
0. Uranus is the 7th planet of the solar system.
0. Uranus is an ice giant.
0. Uranus has 27 known moons.]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "N 2")(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "N 3")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "N 4")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "N 5")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "N Fin")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Neptune is the sixth planet furthest from the Sun (False)
0. Neptune is a ringed planet (True)
0. Neptune is a gaseous planet (False)
0. Neptune has 14 known moons.
0. Nereid is a satellite of Neptune.]]
(button:)[(link:"Keep Trying (No Bonus)")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Neptune is the sixth planet furthest from the Sun (False)
0. Neptune is a ringed planet (True)
0. Neptune is a gaseous planet (False)
0. Neptune has 14 known moons.
0. Nereid is a satellite of Neptune.]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "sun answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###The sun is a<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Yellow Dwarf")[(goto: "S C4")]]
(button:)[(link:"Blue Giant")[(goto: "S F4 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"Red Dwarf")[(goto: "S F4 2")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |Su 3]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "sun answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###How many earths could fit inside the sun ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"75")[(goto: "Su F3 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"26000")[(goto: "Su F3 2")]]
(button:)[(link:"1.3 million")[(goto: "Su C3")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |Su 4]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "sun answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###The sun is the brightest star in our galaxy<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"True")[(goto: "Su F4")]]
(button:)[(link:"False")[(goto: "Su C4")]]
(button:)[[Next Question |Su 5]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**
Bonus Points if you finish in: (css: "color: red; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter] seconds](if: $counter > 0)[(live: 1s)[(set: $counter to it - 1)(if: $counter is 0)[(stop:)(set: $bonus to false)(goto: "sun answers")](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
###What is the distance between the earth and sun ?<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"50 million km (31 million miles)")[(goto: "Su F5 1")]]
(button:)[(link:"100 million km (62 million miles)")[(goto: "Su F5 2")]]
(button:)[(link:"150 million km (92 million miles)")[(goto: "Su C5")]]
(button:)[[Finish |Su Fin]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "Su 2")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "Su 3")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "Su 4")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "Su 5")**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. The sun is 4.6 billion years old
0. The sun is a Yellow Dwarf
0. 1.3 million earths can fir inside the sun
0. The sun is the brightest star in our galaxy (False)
0. The sun is 150 million km (92 million miles) away from the earth]]
(button:)[(link:"Keep Trying (No Bonus)")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "Su Fin")**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. The sun is 4.6 billion years old.
0. The sun is a Yellow Dwarf
0. 1.3 million earths can fir inside the sun.
0. The sun is the brightest star in our galaxy (False)
0. The sun is 150 million km (92 million miles) away from the earth.]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "M 3")(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "M 4")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "M 5")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun (True)
0. Mercury is the hottest planet in our solar system (False)
0. One year on mercury equals to 88 days
0. Mercury has zero moons
0. Mercury is a ringless planet (True)]]
(button:)[(link:"Keep Trying (No Bonus)")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "M Fin")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun (True)
0. Mercury is the hottest planet in our solar system (False)
0. One year on mercury equals to 88 days
0. Mercury has zero moons
0. Mercury is a ringless planet (True)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system (True)
0. Venus is bigger than earth (False)
0. Venus has zero moons
0. One day on Venus equals to 243 earth days
0. Venus is named after the Roman goddess of Love and Beauty]]
(button:)[(link:"Keep Trying (No Bonus)")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "V 2")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "V 3")(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "V 4")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "V 5")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "V Fin")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system (True)
0. Venus is bigger than earth (False)
0. Venus has zero moons
0. One day on Venus equals to 243 earth days
0. Venus is named after the Roman goddess of Love and Beauty]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "Mr 2")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "Mr 3")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "Mr 4")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "Mr Fin")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Carbon Dioxide is the most abundant gas on Mars
0. Mars is nicknamed as The Red Planet
0. A year on Mars equals 687 earth days
0. Mars has two satellites: Phobos and Deimos]]
(button:)[(link:"Keep Trying (No Bonus)")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Carbon Dioxide is the most abundant gas on Mars
0. Mars is nicknamed as The Red Planet
0. A year on Mars equals 687 earth days
0. Mars has two satellites: Phobos and Deimos]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "E 2")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "E 3")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "E 4")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(set: $score to $score+50)
(if: $bonus is true)[(set: $score to $score+50)]
(alert: "Correct Answer, Well Done!")
(goto: "E Fin")(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)(alert: "Wrong Answer, Try Again.")
(goto: (history: )'s last)**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Each time the earth "spins" around we experience a day
0. The Earth's moon is made of cheese (False)
0. The moon is closer to Earth than the planets and stars
0. The moon's phases come from its movement around the Earth]]
(button:)[(link:"Keep Trying (No Bonus)")[(goto: (history: )'s last)]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==**Astronaut: Score = $score**<br><br>
(button:)[(link:"Show Correct Answers")[####Correct Answers:<br><br>
0. Each time the earth "spins" around we experience a day
0. The Earth's moon is made of cheese (False)
0. The moon is closer to Earth than the planets and stars
0. The moon's phases come from its movement around the Earth]]
(button:)[[Selection Screen |Main Story]]
<==test: https://assets.mixkit.co/music/download/mixkit-beautiful-dream-493.mp3=><=
##Thanks for Playing!
(button:)[[Restart ?->Home Screen]]